Very valuable post. 🙏

I think the no-code is great but still lacks a few options.

I.e for a long time I want to build a browser add-on to rate websites (scam or not, is it trusted source or not) but I didn't found a reliable tool to make an add on without coding. Yes I know there's chrome.nocodehq.com for Bubble and I give it a try and did not find it easy to use.

Also I want to build an editor with simple features like Typerighter (by the Guardian) and after I searched a lot I didn't find a single no code tool that does that.

Any thoughts please?

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Thanks for reading, Younes! Appreciate your comment here.

I wouldn't start by creating a feature-heavy MVP to validate the idea. I'll always test the value proposition and the riskiest assumptions with any no-code landing page or by talking to potential customers before deciding on the right tools. (e.g. Step 1 in this article, focus on the users rather than the tools)

Although I haven't personally used Bubble before, I'd say it's the most capable no-code tool I've seen, esp its capability to expand MVP features with custom code. I'd also treat the no-code tool as a starting point for MVP development rather than the destination, mainly because product development is an iterative process (not one-off event). When faced with technical constraints, such as some features that cannot be achieved through pure no-code, adding custom code or can help.

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That was really helpful thanks 💯🙏

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You offer 3 month subscription, do you have annual plans?

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Hey Emedia, thanks for taking a look at Venturescale.to! We currently only offer a three-month plan due to its flexibility.

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Amazing content!!!

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